Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Friday, Friday, Friday

Yeah its finally my friday. i get the next two days off, and damn do i need it. this six day week just killed me. and of course its supposed to rain. well, news from the work front, they are going to change the menu again. Mind you this is the third time in about 2 months that they have changed the menu. last night the first 4 people, two seperate tables bills were 160 and then 130 for two people to eat. they really didnt buy all that much either. so they are starting to think that maybe the prices are a bit too high for most people. but we will see what happens. and another bit of trivia, did you know that the penguin has an organ above their eyes that converts salt water to fresh water? well it does. thats all for now talk to you later joe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I just have to say that I find this trivia quite fascinating!! I didn't know that penguins have that organ...and now I do...yay! I'm smarter having known you! :-P
