Thursday, July 15, 2004

the book

So i finished the latest dan brown book that i bought. and i have to say damn good. its called Deception Point. as usual its a fast read, it only takes place over 2-3 days and kicks ass the entire way. its about a conspiracy of the government finding a meteorite with fossils in the artic circle. and goes from there and suprises you in the end with who know about it and who the mastermind is behind it all. i am kinda hoping i can gather the money together to get the DaVinci Code, they only have it in hard back at this point, but i think as with the other 5 books by Dan Brown that i have read it should be all the critics say it is. nothing else new, just started my vacation today. fun so far. oh and i finally bought another game for my x-box. This time it was crash bandicoot. fun so far. right now the kids are occupying themsleves with it. yeah. anyways, thats all for now. talk to you later joe

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