Saturday, May 22, 2004

cool stuff

I foung this really cool application onthe internet so that you can use an email application such as Microsoft Outlook with yahoo. Since Yahoo recently changed to a subscription service for such applications. Its called YahooPOPS. You download it then install it on your computer and then when you configure it to their directions it just goes to yahoo downloads all your mail and it shows up on any email client that you want. Im using it with the Mozilla browser. So far it is working marvelously. Well, my truck is to be done on Friday of this week. I got the information fromthe insurance company as to what they are going to have fixed and its only 4 pages long of things to be fixed. Joes said the thing that is going to take the longest is going to be waiting for the paint to dry. I think that is all seeing as i need to go to work. laters joe

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