Tuesday, August 03, 2004

I have seen the future

And damn is it large. first off sorry about the length of time between posts. Secondly i got a quick tour of the new part of the casino. ill tell you that there are no words to describe how large this new section is and the areas in it. the only one that comes to mind as even near is cavernous. Mind you this was just the first story, thats not including the events arfena area or the restaurants on the second story. anyways back to what i saw. The first thing we went into was the new convention center kitchen. this is located maybe 20 feet from the old one but is three times as large. its set up long but it stretches about 400 ft or more. its narrow in the back where the dishwashers are and then widens as you get to the prep area. i didnt get to see much of this because we wanted to see the rest of the new stuff. so this was just a quick walk through to get to the new part. The next thing that we seen was the new loading dock. this has 4 doors for tractor trailers to back into and was about 500 ft deep. (mind you all of this is still in the buildiung stage, they got the walls up and floors down but its still obviously a construction site.) and then we stepped into a wide hallway. you could probably fit 4-5 people side by side once they get all the stuff out of it. as you walk down this hall there is a door on your right that you walk through and in here there are 4 very large stainless steel tables (im talking whole sides of cattle could be easily set on one side of them) and in the back wall they have 6 walk-in coolers and i would poresume a couple freezers. You look up to the left and you see a very large air conditioner for cooling. You see this room is going to be the butcher shop. this could accommodate up to 8 employees all cutting sides of beef. and still have room to drive a forklift through it easily. well, i really have to go so i will finish the desription tomorrow. two more rooms to go and the best is yet to come. you can find the details of the site and what it will look like when its done here talk to you later joe

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